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General Health Videos and Topics

Notice: all medical topics that are not directly in the scope of a massage therapy license are offered as peer to peer suggestions for you to do your own research and make your own decisions about your personal health care.  I or "Knot Your Basic Massage" cannot and will not diagnose any medical condition.

Sugar, The Bitter Truth  (a bit long but awesome)


GERD ... Too much, and Too Little stomach acid have the same symptoms, here is an OTC supplement that can help

Blood Pressure: How High is Too High and How Do I Lower it Safely?  This is eye opening.  Major study of people on BP meds based on doctors office visits only ... they did the gold standard of a 24 hour continuous ambulatory monitor ... afterward they took 67% of people OFF of their meds.  

Insulin IQ with Dr. Ben Bikman.  He's a bit geeky but fantastic information and simple to understand if you are working in insulin senstivity and pre-diabetes.  (hint: you probably are as it's estimated 80+% of US adults are pre-diabetic but your doctor doesn't care until you are actually diabetic)

Glucose Revolution ... She calls herself the Glucose Goddess ... She is a French Microbiologist so yeah she is quirky but fun ... however her information is spot on.

Barefoot Lifestyle

When I first started massage someone told me to try working barefooted, I did and was sold from the very first session.  The mechanics worked better, and then you can get into the energy transfer considerations.  I have since done extensive research and found that there are TREMENDOUS health benefits to living barefoot.  Here are a list of websites that may be interesting if you are curious about this way of living connected to your environment is such a simple but powerful way.

Nobody Walks In My Shoes ... Great barefoot short documentary.

I Wore Toe Spacers for Two Years ... Here's What Happened

The Definitive Guide to Going Barefoot ... great article that hits a nice middle ground. I personally lean to being a more regular barefooter than the author, but he clearly lays out all the benefits but still bows a bit to social pressure.

Re-Wilding Your Feet ... Podcast interviewing Sue Kenney who went from Corporate High Heals to full time barefoot.  She talks about the physical as well as the existential benefits of full time barefoot.

Society for Barefoot Living is a group that advocates for living barefooted, and has a lot of resources such as having contacted the Health and Human Services of each of the 50 states and found that there are no laws or health codes that require a patron of any establishment must wear shoes.

Barefooting is Legal ... group advocating barefoot living that has done extensive research debunking many of the legal myths surrounding being barefoot in public. 

Barefoot Philosophy  Great short paper on the literal as well as metaphorically living barefoot.

Earthing, the Movie ... as a holistic practitioner I am the first to say that much of it is way way out in left field, but "Grounding" or "Earthing" has 20+ peer reviewed medical studies that back it up.  You can spend money on fancy gadgets, but the simple, cheap, and fun way is to just put your bare feet on the ground.

Barefoot San Antonio ... local Facebook group for barefoot living in San Antonio TX and the surrounding hill country.

Minimalist Shoes Increase Foot Strength by 60% .... Runners World.  Foot strength as we age will help to prevent falls which can often be the "beginning of the end" for many seniors.  I personally advocate full time barefoot, but if you're squeamish about that this is the next best thing.